1969 Triumph Tiger 650
This bike was purchased as a memory ride by the current owner. This bike is in excellent and original condition, with the exception of the mufflers, which were changed by the previous owner. Currently on “non-op” registration, it has been carefully housed in a garage and kept primarily due to its sentimental value and the memories it elicits (See “Back Story” to follow). It has new tires and the metal is unmarred and shows the normal fading of color due to age. The speedometer was replaced several years ago and shows 2000+ miles, which doesn’t include prior mileage. The following is the history of this motorcycle:
Back Story – In 1969 the owner of this bike flew to Germany, traveling from there to Copenhagen, Denmark, where he bought a new 1969 Triumph Tiger 650. After traveling through nine countries, he shipped the motorcycle back to California. A close friend fell in love with the motorcycle and purchased a new, identical 1969 Triumph Tiger 650. The two friends rode together on their “twin” bikes until the owner, at the prodding of his wife, sold the bike he bought in Denmark. Regretting the sale, he told his buddy that if he ever wanted to sell his bike (the duplicate) the current own would buy it. Eventually this transaction took place and now the current owner has decided that at the age of 75 his riding days are “history.”
2000 plus on a new speedometer
Original paint in excellent condition. Needs Polishing and TLC
Sheet Metal
Excellent sheet-metal, factory original with no damage history. Minor road wear.
Excellent factory chrome. Should shine right up.
Excellent mechanical condition, Was running properly when parked. Not run for a few years because of health of rider not the machine.
Wheels & Tires
Front- Dunlap Gold Seal K70, 4 ply, 3.25-19/ Back – Cheng Shin, 6 ply, 4.00 -18
Clear California Title on a non op status.
Engine # TR6RCC13285
Frame # TR6RCC13285
Valuation Resource Guide
This motorcycle would be a high 2 or a 1 at a suggested value of $11,420
Windscreens as shown, original tools and riders