In Memory of Charles “Chuck” Vernon 1920-2015

Charles “Chuck” Vernon – 1920-2015

SoCal AMCA is saddened by the loss of one of our founding fathers. On October 6, 2015, Charles “Chuck” Vernon died at home at the age of 95. Chuck just plain ole used his physical body up. His son, Tom Vernon, shared with us that he had been sleeping the majority of the time the past few months, and did so when his son took him out for a car ride two days before his passing. Respecting Chuck’s wishes, the family had a quiet graveside ceremony.

Message from Tom Vernon:

“My father passed away yesterday after a significant decline in his health this year.  I know that he was loved and respected by many of the members of our Club and the larger motorcycle community. Please pass along the family’s appreciation of the kind sentiment we have received.”

Chuck Vernon was a founding father of the SoCal Chapter of the AMCA, which was started in 1963 and became the seventh chapter to receive a charter in 1972. Chuck was the president numerous times along with Max Bubeck, Gary Breylinger, John Eagles and many other motorcycle leaders. Chuck was responsible for the annual La Mirada Swap Meet and Show, which later became the El Camino Swap Meet. The El Camino Swap Meet was the example used by past AMCA President Bob McClean to start the Chief Blackhawk Chapter’s Davenport Swap Meet in Iowa, the concept for the national swap meets.

Chuck’s wealth of knowledge on motorcycles was immense and yet just a small part of his vast ability and knowledge base. Go to this Cycle World article  from 2010, which best describes his passion for education and information about this passion for Crockers and motorcycles.


Chuck was an icon in the antique motorcycle world. He will be missed by all. God Speed Chuck! We know you are united with your loving wife in the best place of all.


Tim Graber
President, SoCal AMCA

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